Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Getting Organized: Refrigerator

Look what I got today.

Healthy groceries :)
 Then, when I got home with all these groceries (and baskets) I decided to redo the fridge. (Yes, it was MUCH needed)
after I added the new groceries, there was NO room left
 I re-bagged all the veggies -putting carrots into 1 serving zip locks, and each romaine heart into their own bag. I cut up the strawberries and watermelon and put them in some tupperware. I used one container for veggies, and a small container for cheeses and lunch meats. The container on the bottom has waters in it :)
Not as fancy as the fridge I saw on pinterest, but it's much better than it was before. And, I think this will help me eat better too!


Do you keep your fridge organized? Have any secrets/tips to share?


My goal this summer was to lose weight. That didn't happen. Some days, I would be extremely motivated, I would work out and eat better. Other days, I was so depressed I didn't want to do anything. It's almost time to start student teaching and I hate that I have to buy more fat clothes, but it's time to get over it and do something about it! One of my favorite things to do is stock pinterest and all things healthy

Last night I started to read about this 3 day diet that claims you can lose up to 10 pounds. 10 pounds in THREE days? Where do I sign up? Looking further into it, these people are starving themselves by eating less than 1000 calories a day. I passed on this diet and started looking at the "1000 calorie diet", then I moved on to MyPyramid and found SuperTracker - a place where you can track what you eat, your exercise, and your goals. This site says for my height and weight I'm allowed 2200 calories a day (even to lose weight). I think this sounds CRAZY! 

So, I decided I'm going to start counting calories.  I haven't quite decided yet how many calories I am going to allow myself -I'm thinking 2200 is too much! Before I looked it up I was thinking 1200 so I may start with that and see what my body tells me. While I was stalking pinterest I saw this:

How pretty! Looking at this picture got me thinking that if my fridge looked this pretty and was stocked with healthy goods, I'd be more inclined to actually cook and eat it!

Are you in the process of losing weight, what is or isn't working for you?