Monday, July 9, 2012

Review - Books 7-9 in The Saga of Darren Shan

Book 7 - Hunters of the Dusk by Darren Shan 
This book takes place 6 years after Darren has become a Vampire Prince. The not so well liked and scary Mr. Tiny shows up at the mountain with more news. He informs the clan 3 hunters must go out and look for the vampaneze lord, but only these 3 -no more, no less. The only other advice he gives is to follow their heart and they will have 4 more chances. If they do not succeed 2 of them will die, and then the war will go on and the vampaneze will win. The 3 chosen are Darren, Mr. Crepsley, and another Prince who is just being introduced in this book. Harkart, the Little Person, also chooses to go along with them.

Because they are to follow their hearts, the first place they go is back to the cirque du freak. It is here that they find a small group of vampaneze, and kill them. While 2 of them get away, one of which they found out later was the vampaneze lord.

When will they have another chance to kill him? Will they find him? Where will they travel next? How will he be disguised next time?
This book leaves you with a lot of questions as to what will happen next in Darren's journey.

Book 8 - Allies of the Night by Darren Shan 
After leaving the Cirque Du Freak the hunters decide to go back to Mr. Crepsley's hometown (while Vancha goes back to Vampire Mountain to let everyone know what they have found out). Once they have settled in, and their routine was in place (hunting for vampaneze at night in the tunnels) they get a house visit from a school inspector who tells Darren he must attend school or the police will come after him.

Darren runs into 2 very important people from his past (his ex, and his best friend Steve) who help him on his quest to kill the Lord of the Vampaneze.

They find where the vampaneze are hiding, and while fighting Steve reveals who he really is. The vampaneze let them escape and give them a head start of fleeing, although they had no idea why.

This book leaves you wanting more, just like the rest! Stay tuned to find out what happens once the vampires escape.

Book 9 - Killers of the Dawn by Darren Shan  
Once the hunters are safe from the vampaneze, above ground in daylight, everything changes. They are in all sorts of trouble. Then entire town thinks Darren and his friends are killing the towns people. They must escape the mad people during the day, and at night hunt the vampaneze once again to kill their Lord. One gives up his life to kill the Lord. After the vampaneze leave, Steve (Darrens ex-bff and half-vampaneze) lets Darren in on a little secret -they didn't really kill the Lord, he was a decoy!

The suspense in this book was great. I could kind of tell what was going to happen at the end though, but it was a great book. And leaves you wanting to find out where the real Lord has taken off to, and if Darren will find him. And if Darren will revenge the death of his closest vampire friend.

Want to know what I thought of books 1-6?

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